zaterdag 5 februari 2011

Black rain, black rain

The dancing 's always wildest
just before the end
the colours are most vivid
just before they send
that impersonal message
that'll make the whole world bend

like reeds in the wild wind
flattened to the ground
and last orders are in
for that ultimate round
but the waiters are absent
and the barmaid can't be found

        maybe in some fall-out shelter
        some hole deep down in the ground
        my love I think I felt her
        but now there's not a sound
        there's just the pain
        there's just
        black rain

I never really voted
for or against him
I got on with my life
where it was sink or swim
thought it was just a headline
figured the chances were slim

they'd do that monster mash
I thought they were lying
like any schoolboy does
"it's some pose they're trying"
I said to frightened friends
that was then but now they're dying


13/9/1981. Black rain is een roman van de Japanse auteur Masuji Ibuse over de Amerikaanse atoomaanvallen op Hiroshima en Nagasaki. Begin jaren tachtig was de Koude Oorlog op zijn hoogtepunt en veel mensen hadden angst. Het was ook de tijd van de grote anti-rakettenbetogingen. De song reflecteert die beklemmende tijdsgeest.

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