maandag 21 november 2011


A girl with a penis
or a man with big tits
a shape from myth or legend
I’d give an arm and a leg and
still I’d never understand
who inhabits that strange land

I saw you in that window
and how can I ever know
what that reality is like
my perception is on strike
while I try to understand
your nature’s odd demands

      are you a boy or a girl ?
      how do you see the world ?
      will I ever have the chance
      to count your ribbons and your curls
      in some other world ?

I saw you in that movie
and somehow you move me
you are more than ever strange
that for me would never change
still I want to understand
the fate written in your hand

You are weirdly wonderful
and so bravely beautiful
oh you pretty prostitute
why do I feel destitute
as I try to understand
what I ultimately can’t



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