dinsdag 31 januari 2012


I’m younger than the river
but older than the hills
I shake and get the shivers
you can’t save me with a pill

I’m stronger than the hours
but weaker than the days
I’m ready for the flowers
but no longer making hay

       You’ve got problems
       I’ve got issues
       you’re the system
       based on misuse
       you’ve got problems
       I’ve got issues

I’m kinder than the hangman
and smarter than the fool
and I despise the gangbang
oh yes, I am old school

I may figure in your nightmares
I might turn up in your dreams
but this is not truth or dare
there is no audience that screams



maandag 16 januari 2012

Merciful wife

It shows in your face
when  you’re about to fade
acquaintances tell you
this is something new
this is something chilling
as you’re in for the killing
you’ve come to the end
and just cannot mend

      Somewhere there’s a river
      a stream that makes me shiver
      it’s where I’ll be delivered
      to my merciless wife
      at the end of my life
      make that my merciful wife
      at the end of my life

The masks are all falling
dark masters are calling
I just long for the spring
and the last song I’ll sing
oh bring the last beaker
to the mouth of the seeker
I’m looking for reasons
in these senseless seasons


Hand of fate, on me now
Jagger said it and then how
I feel it in my very blood
and I’m stuck deep in the mud
of doubt and fear, anxiety
I’m a stranger to all piety
the truth is naked, inhumane
still I’ve decided to stay sane



donderdag 12 januari 2012

Derision and disdain

Yes we’re easily insulted
by each and everyone
the good book’s unconsulted
the conclusion is foregone
we are right and more than right
but still we are undone
by feeling tense and all uptight
and the game will not be won

    We just feel the pain
     of derision and disdain
     it’s there and then it’s there again
     our derision and disdain

We can’t live down dissent
or different states of mind
we even look down on our friends
find it hard to just be kind
everyone seems out of tune
with what we believe is right
and by and by we are immune
to all loving and all light


Yes we hate and fear so much
seems we’re always on the run
out of our minds and out of touch
sometimes we’re just not anyone
we belittle and despise
nearly everybody else
so it comes as no surprise
life and love do not make sense



maandag 9 januari 2012

The year of my undoing

The trees are bare
and I do care
now there’s no room
for things in bloom
the light does fade
it’s all a haze
the hours pass
like one dead mass

      The time is near
      yes now it’s here
      the year of my undoing
      stop the shushing stop the shooing
      in the year of my undoing
      no more wishing no more wooing
      in the year of my undoing

Don’t leave me here
please do stay near
I’m losing sight
of my birthright
I crumble up
like paper cups
thrown in the trash
this is the crash


The crows fly by
in the grey sky
the rain comes down
and I do drown
in long daydreams
and endless schemes
how to survive
not take the dive

