vrijdag 31 december 2010

Bar song

If so many here are homeless
and so many all alone
the kind of place that we all live in
can't be called home

Someone should erase the lines that
my jigsaw-puzzle fingers find
round your mouth and round your eyes
keeping track of time (time time time)

         baby I can't talk now
         why don't you come back
         or call again tomorrow

do not try to be too tender
someone's sure to break your heart
do not show it when you're stronger
then you're much too smart

and of course you are my friend
and I'll drink with you and drown
in the sorrows of the many
in the dreams of eiderdown (down down down)



Blood and tears

Blood and tears
sail away
take me through another day
it's easy
tho' I've got no shoes to wear

heart and head
break away
ease the pain as best you may
it's easy
'cause the dues have all been paid
        going out for drink with strangers
        leaning over the brink in danger
        and no woman to tell you of her dreams
            no secrets here in the empty hallways
            have a beer, take a walk on sundays
            and your sanity cracking at the seams

1975. Kyoto.

The cosmic bite

Getting hot in the morning
talk to your wife
running scared about noon
go to your girlfriend
lose your cool after lunch
make for your lover

in the evening when it's dark
and it's wet
and you're out in the cold
something to give
for something to get

on to the red lights and the ladies
raving and ranting
sweating and panting
what's the matter with the boy ?
what's he so quick for
with his toy ?
must be
must be
the cosmic bite
the cosmic bite


Some better place

I think I need a change
the weather's been bad too long
everybody's complaining everywhere
Christ is a clotheshanger now
the red king's seat is empty
and I put my laundry there
oh there ain't no other place
no other place

I think I'm gonna move
the butter's gone rancid
the curtain is up and I'm naked
I've put the house in order
I even combed the grass on the lawn
but I can no longer fake it
there must be some better place
some better place

       I'm gonna see my friends
       seems like it never ends
       I'll take something to eat
       and a good book to read
       and I'm gonna take some wine
       some good stories to kill time
       in some better place
       some better place


Don't turn me down

Yes you've got everything
that makes me smile
you do the right things
that I know
will last their while

we like each other
sometimes we touch
but we're good friends
so we don't do it all that much

        you say they're talking
        and I daresay they do
        but that ain't nothing
        compared to what I see
        in the eyes of you

                and when I ask you
                to go one more round
                don't turn me down
                oh no
                don't turn me down

1976. (Linda)

Baby come through

The future's bleak
and I am weak
soI can't speak
but only seek
to turn my thoughts to you
baby come through

The past is dead
no plans are laid
an empty head
I can only whet
the knife that cuts through to you
baby come through

the present's strange
come timely rain
until that change
my thoughts must range
upon the riddle of you
baby come through

          an angry voice
          a voice that's wet
          a voice that accuses
          my feelings long dead
          baby come through


Doctor it hurts

Everything hurts me
and my doctor tells me
"boy ! you've got a reason to weep !
 boy ! you didn't get any sleep !"

         keep it in mind boy
         that taking your time boy
         may turn out wrong
         when you're taking too long.

paid thirty dollars
to know about pain
boy ! you got a sly little way
boy ! you won't see me again

                  doctor I need a prescription
                  and I need it right now
                  you'll be taking the biscuit
                  if you save me somehow
                  I'd like something for loneliness
                  better a broken heart
                  too much hate and bitterness
                  and no hope in the cards
                  tearing me apart

      refr. 1


Close to heaven

Hold on tightly to me
and I'm gonna hold on to you
we'll be the best of friends and
in my own little way I blew you
closer, close to heaven

Sandwiches and coffee
but there's a dead man on the road
who has reached his end and
he's a footnote in the code
getting closer, close to heaven

            Close to heaven joy's still hard to save
             "cause we're blind and deaf and
             they're all advertizing graves
             but you won't buy
             and I won't buy
             the both of us just try to get
             closer, close to heaven

Full moon in the valley
with the ladies at the hot springs
would the rifts all mend and
together we'd bring ourselves
closer, close to heaven

repeat first verse


Song for An

So now you've got two babies
just like you did pray
one can see your heart grow stronger
with the slipping of the days

so now you've got two lovers
sleeping on your breast
you're like drowned in  eiderdown
with their heavy peaceful rest

          love don't come easy
          love is slow
          love don't come easy but
          it's the only thing you know

so now you're finally married
and I used to know your man
him and me we're nearly strangers
but we're doing the best we can

someone took me travelling
someone took me unawares
that someone spent me spinning
someplace I could never share


you sure were fun to watch with
your red apple-cheeks aglow
holding on to that fat belly
that would only grow and grow

so now you've got two babies
just like you did say
the doctor didn't believe you but
then he's never learned to pray


1979. (voor An Onzea)

donderdag 30 december 2010

This must be the week

Oh well I've got a little dope
and I've got enough of gas
your mama may not want it but anyway
this must be the week that was

          brewing when at 18
          I was just ashamed
          of wanting things I'd seen
          when I was being framed

Oh well I haven't got much hope
of lying naked on the pass
my mama does not like it but anyway
this must be the week that was


Oh well I won't try to elope
with someone smiling in the mass
of people that don't want it anyway
this must be the week that was



(A long, long way to go till) Sunday Morning

Talk of gangsters at the abbey
when no one wants to know
how they're gonna make it
past the beer that gets them tho'
       when they're reeling on their feet
       and out puking on the street

   and it's a long long way to go
   till Sunday morning
   it's a prime-time thing to do
   for the people at the bar
   to take their hatred out on you

and there's snakeskins in the pantry
and somebody's crazy about
that skinny kid a-begging
for the mercy of the crowd

          and they're dancing all around
          but the right steps can't be found

Too many smoke-rings near the ceiling
pools of vomit on the floor
there's a dry-eyed woman wailing
"this place is rotten to the core"

           sleezy gossip in the shadows
           why not just erect the gallows ?



A summer-night and on the town

The faces in the window
I know them all too well
with their twisted promise
and the stories that they can't tell

Red lights with their neon wink
and beer flows like the river
stop the time forget to think
tonight you're to deliver

        and I pity the poor women
        and the men who pay for fun
        trying like the devil
        to get the knot undone

Everybody's nice to me
this far, not any further
don't overreach yourself now see
that way you're bound to hurt her

The wife should be at home now
and I bet she's crying
saying no one likes her
and in her dreams she's trying

     to pity etc.

God I saw the drunkard
in his comic strip
on the nod, out on the floor
psycho Jesus in his crib

I passed Lady Godiva
freckled in long sleeves
the world her private tragedy
just there to keep her peeved
     and pitying etc.

          and you can be what you are
          I will be what I am
          we're looking at each other
          from our speeding cars
          and we understand (3x)


X-mas-time is coming

X-mas-time is coming
the year is near its end
you ain't got a woman
you ain't got a friend
the grocery-store, the brothel
both make their windows nice
one sells instant coffee
the other says paradise
      X-mas-time is coming
      I can hear the angels blowing away
      X-mas-time is coming

yes the red light district
will not be outshone
a home away from home
where so many have gone
to have Mother Christmas
caress that Holy Tree
and then unwrapping presents
find the eyes can be deceived


X-mas-time is coming
and all the world is joy
in the air a humming
of radio-active toys
and mankind stands resplendent
upon its misty hill
fierce and independent
ready for the kill


1979. Werd in 1987 opgenomen voor een dubbel-single van de Kreuners en de Kreuners featuring Ludo Mariman. (A-rum-a-dum-dum)


dinsdag 28 december 2010


Well the barman he see nothing
the barman he don't know
about the drinkers desintegrating
all that sickly show

well the barman keeps them pills
he's got that shiny snow
but he don't see you doing that
the barman he don't know

when he sees fit he's got loving
but then he ain't got that much
when the game gets to be sticky
he is sure not to be touched

and he drink for free and easy
he don't bat an eye
when the cops move in and start to
register every lie

will he always be a stranger
when she walks into his room
with him squinting in the darkness
at his loneliness in bloom ?

will he hear his words a-falling
upon the questions in her eye
will he walk away again in wonder
all to wilful for to try

repeat first verse

1986. Opgenomen door Urban Jungle (Mark Bauwens en co) maar niet uitgebracht.

Fragmenten uit oerversie Ontbijt in de ruïne (jeugdwerk)

De vliegende diepte van het leven
kruisigt mijn waardering.
Wachten op de angst
of een nieuwe droom
met zwevende hindernissen
die in mij glimlachen
mij ondoorgrondelijk tekenen.

Denk voortdurend dat ik gek ben
schrei eens even
ga op bedevaart
en kom nooit terug
(ironie is zonder weerkeer)


Elke avond weer
vergeet iedereen dat ik besta
elke ochtend dan
schud ik allen wakker
sommigen zijn blij
anderen verstoord
de ergsten zijn zij
die mijn handen voelen
en denken dat zij het leven zijn
leven waar zij buiten staan
mijn handen die de wind zijn
       die mijn handen voelen
       en het ontkennen durven.


Ik ben redelijk overtuigd
dat alles ongelooflijk is
neem even mijn zakdoek
om mijn neus te snuiten
ik zal opveren tot in de lucht
die zonder kleur of leven is.
De tijdelijke zandstorm
van de wolken wuift versteend
en ik zou wanhopig kunnen zijn.
Dan ga ik de tuin in
en maak traag de paden schoon
ik durf amper naar de bloesems kijken
en ontwijk gewiekst de bloemen.
De waarheid van gevoel
ongrijpbaar of onzegbaar
en als ik kon spreken zou het dàt zijn
één van de namen van het al
waar de monniken van Tibet
een gans leven op jagen
- ik stotter zoals iedereen.

Ik zit bij de rivier met een vrouw
en zij houdt niet van mij
ik voel mezelf zoals ik ijzig zit
aan de overkant valt de rode zon
krijsend in een spaarpotgleuf van lucht
met lange tussenpozen
gaan de lichten in de buildings aan
en planten een priem in mijn oog
terwijl het water een vaal grasveld
of een grijswapperend laken is.


De monniken van Tibet
hebben duizend ogen
de mannen die ik ken
praten honderduit
de vrouwen die ik ken
zien zichzelf niet meer
ze leven maar één keer.

Ik was god van verwarring
jij een vlindervrouw
ik ben weer goedertieren nu
en jij weer open
morgen hou je van ons allen.


Een geest op zolder

Ik heb tienduizend weiden doorkruist
met onrust als een autostrade
achter me en mijlen voor me uit
ik heb er op mezelf gewacht
doch ik dacht dat jij het doel was.

Waar ideeën in benen kruipen
behoud ik een stalen zerk van twijfel
die geverfd wordt door de dauw
en beschilderd door de regen
afgeschuurd door harde nacht
die gehuld in zwart gewaad
de eeuwigheid inslaat.

De tijdeloze passie van zon
uiteindelijk geboren hoop
buitenissige illusies
omtrent het bevend woord liefde.


Doorheen de  nieuwe nacht
voorbij de auto's en de bomen
en de angst in oog en oor
steden als speelgoedautomaten
waar de bladeren al vallen
tot in de zalen van mijn onrust
bomen begraven in mijn maag.
Ik sta weer alleen
zoals toen men me als kind een keurslijf toonde
maar zei dat het een harnas was.
Ik maakte lange verhalen
prevelend zon fluisterend regen.
Nu kroon ik de oude reizen
en sla de dag tot treurig ridder.
Iemand in mij bezielde de dingen
iemand in mij maakte hen dood
"morgen" was een tempelbel
nu een begraven visverkoper
geen vriend of vijand
iemand met geleende adem.


Zwart is de lucht
en paars de heks
die op mijn verkrampte lichaam danst
in al zijn tijdeloze cellen.
Een woord is groots in al zijn glorie
zijn  betekenis in beweging
zijn mirakel op de berg.
Oh ik ben zwart
oh ik ben wit
'k ben alle kleuren van de nacht.


Het gele duinenkind van zee
heeft één paars dier gedood
en zich in zijn huid gehuld
dan is ze naar me toe gekomen
- nu heb ik geen handen meer.


In een waterval
hervindt mijn oor
voorbije tijden van je oog
je irissen en wimpers
waarmee je lang geleden
mijn lichamen bekeek.


Als ik eenzaam ben
zoals vandaag
mag ik dan met je praten
of slapen in je bed
als een hagedis op je lijf ?
Zeker, zo is het geweest
en nu sta ik hier weer
misschien nog jong
maar met vergane jaren
en ingebeelde kennis
lelijk als de nacht.


Als niemand ging slapen
zouden mijn ogen breken
zoals verbaasde zeelui
bij het meer in de bergen.
Als de bomen gouden twijgen hadden
ijskoude diamanten vruchten
van vergeten dromen
zou ik alles liefde schrijven
àl mirakelheilig.
Als je me een rijf in het gezicht sloeg
en mijn hoofd openscheurde
zou je me zien zoals ik me voel.
Ik die door de tunnel van gedachten val
verdwijnend verschijnend dood en pijn.
Als je een vleeshaak in mijn lijf sloeg
of een diep oog in me brandde
zou ik misschien mijn lichaam herkennen
of het jouwe verstaan.


Dank je lief, voor de goede zorgen
deze dag is weer zeer rijk geweest
en wie weet wat wacht er mij morgen ?
Daar sta ik buiten zeg jij dan meest
maar de mensen vergissen zich vaak;
het maakt geen verschil, binnen of buiten
en dàt te zien is de enige taak.
Slaap zacht en droom van regen op de ruiten.


Godja, ik kende hen
ik liep verder
over de sneeuw
en beroerde hun vleugels
gaf hen een naam.

en stotterend
maar warm van binnen
bij de leeuw en zijn liefde
zijn gebrul.

Ik voelde me verlaten
alleen en beangst
met de pijn van de pelgrim
zijn vraagteken.

In vreemd woest geraas
eindelijk tevreden
in wildwonderlijk geluk.
Het oog van de storm
is mijn hoofdkussen.


Het dak van de wereld

Hoogleven en een indruk
van muren van einder en lucht
ik zwerf als een wildvuile dief
en mijn paard is mijn vrouw en mijn wijn
 - traanlief de witte wereld.

Nu vertrek ik uit het westen
op mijn gekke groene vleugels
ik struikel en ik stotter
water in mijn ogen
wit zand in de rivier
en een droom aan de grens.

De gewapende wachters floten naar ons
in onze oude oorlogswagen.

(grens Nepal - Tibet)


Ik lag neer
en ik verdronk
ik zag een vogel in de sneeuw
de kleren vielen van mijn lichaam
de schoenen gleden van mijn voeten
ik stond naakt en blind rechtop
in het oneindig witte licht
en mijn bloed was woest gelukkig.


Er is schrijven mét en zonder
met pen en inkt en ganzeveren
en met het lichaam
met je hoofd vol bloed
en gedane beloften
met verloren dagen
nauwelijks nacht
en nagenoeg geen wensen.


In een nieuw land
waar bloemen zwarte kruisen zijn
en leven hard beton
word ik kalmer
en denk aan niemand meer.
Sterven is herademen
na de onderdrukking
ik ben weer vrij geworden.
Ik vergeet al wat ik wist
en mijn oog beleeft
vallende mensen als het water.


duikend in het meer van mijn handpalm
ontdekken zichzelf
in de spiegels van mijn huid.
Mijn lichaam fluistert duidelijk:
het beweegt.
Ik weet het
mijn ogen worden het kijken soms moe
maar alles blijft zichzelf.


Ik ben de bloem van het kind
en de beweging is de macht
ongecontroleerd en impulsiever
dan het idee van hier te zijn
en te handelen.
Ik kijk met het oog van de leegte
vanuit de ruimte
tot in ruimteloze tijd
waar de zon mijn huis bouwt.
Op het altaar van het veld
- rottend gras en stervende winter -
leef ik de dienst van zelfcontrole:
dit is het, ik ben
               een stommelende gans in de tuin
               een vogel in een boom begraven
               het opverende gras.
Van hier tot in de eeuwigheid
is het knipperen van een oog
een ademen van een klein geluid.
Kalm en bedachtzaam stappend
in dromen en kelders van toekomst.
Ik zie er vrouwen en vrienden weer
die ik omarm tot het einde
als het oordeel in de ziel komt.
De warme lentewinden
komen zich verbergen in mijn haar
ze buigen mijn gedachten naar de bron
vanwaar alle winden vertrekken
het centrum van het heelal
(hier en daar en overal
 begin noch eind
 het heelal ademt)



Als buiten de dag in de bomen woont
en binnen de ochtend verandert
sta ik uit mijn lichaam op
en neem mezelf ter hand.
Langs de piramide van Cheops gaan wij
en zwemmen de woestenij van de stad in: auto's
maar dit alles is naast mij en ik
het ontgaat ons
wij weten dat het veld er nog ligt
waar nu geen zon kan zijn
waar vochtige dekens de aardkluiten dekken
waar in onze voetsporen plasjes staan nu
en elk plasje is de wereld, ja alles.
Nooit worden druppels of vlokken onderzocht
en toch is elk van hen de heiligste eenheid.
Elke druppel is een wereld, DE wereld.
Elke sneeuwvlok volmaakt zijn.
Zij omvatten deze wereld
wij zijn in wezen binnen hen.


Thuis stelde men vragen
over de Gele Rivier
en de hemelse geest.
Maar ik kan de vloer
niet meer van het dak  onderscheiden.
En in het huis van de opgaande zon
zegt de dochter tot de pelgrim:
Ik geloof er niet meer in,
de zoeker zelf
ziet nooit zijn droom vervuld.

Als ik kon dan ging ik
naar de brug over het woeste water
keuvelend met meneer Blob
die zegt:
Kom terug kind, alles is mooi.

Achter de bocht woont Cecilia
miss America
zet de klok maar terug
waar moeten we naartoe ?

Ga langs de lange smalle weg
en tracht
het kind der stilte aan te raken.

Liefde naar alle kanten
in mijn leven weerspiegeld
ik heb een klein groen tasje
voor jou meegebracht,
zo gaat dat onderweg.


Het licht van vandaag
houdt ons staande en verbaasd
we twijfelen aan de twijfel
de regen en de zon enzo
de hoofdbewerkingen.
Mijn medemensen
spreken vreemde talen
die ik net nog wél ontcijfer.
De wegen begraven zich in mij
een kerk als een lege koekjesdoos
poogt de gelovigen te verleiden.
Kleine boompjes springen uit de grond
en de zon wordt aangezet.
Ik ben bijna thuis denk ik.

Gedichtenbundelfragmenten 1966-1972

maandag 27 december 2010

Never again

We were sailing, to the island
pretty green afar
I was dreaming, I was scheming
tell me what you are ?
when our boat was neatly anchored
near the concrete shore
you were smiling, I was rating
my chances as before

             never again (3x)

in the woods where kings of old did hunt
we only dared to walk
we're like strangers, we hear the angels
with their demon talk
in the cities all the buildings
wore a shirt of sun
we're completing, or competing
with what the wind began
          never again (3x)


In my life

My heart is like a bullet
ricocheting off the concrete walls
smiles and words like bandages
cock-fights, dog-fights, cat-calls

stand on the barricades
blasted buildings of a broken past
smiles and words like bandages
wonder how long it'll last

       in my life
       I don't know
       where I'm going

             sometimes it makes me wonder where I've been
             sometimes it makes me wonder what I've seen
             sometimes it makes me wonder what I've been
             in my life

             sometimes it makes me wonder where I've gone
             sometimes it makes me wonder what I've done
             sometimes it makes me wonder why I've gone
             in my life


Get away

Everyday together on the bus
still things never worked out for us
lunchbreak at half-past eleven
and she don't get home till seven
some days she sits in front of me
or next to me and we touch knees
but then we never talked together
god how can I ever tell her ?

           we just never took a chance
           tho' it was there everyday
           we just never took a chance
           so we didn't get away
           get away get away get away

I wonder do you ever think of me
going home alone at night
at times I guess you really do
I can see it in your eyes
I'm quite sure you've never loved a man
is it a blessing or a curse ?
like I never dared to love no woman
I was afraid of getting hurt


times are getting worse now, ain't it ?
because everybody's on the dole
you start to think of changes when it's
half-past nine, you're in the cold
in the queue outside the ugly office
where we get our daily stamp
the clerk inside he clean forgot what love is
he treats us as if we were tramps


             get away from the sadness
             get away feom the madness
             get to see a better day
             get away get away get away


Under seventy

When you're eighteen you gather
you've got seven lives
but you're lucky when at thirty
you can make your one life thrive

illusion is a luxury
when you're finally thru' with dreams
the straight and narrow or meditation
couldn't stop you and your schemes

      well we're under seventy
      and you know
      that there's wheels within wheels
      we're under seventy
      and you know, yeah you know how it feels

                under seventy
                pushing that hill
                when you're on the crest
                well you know
                here comes the bill

repeat first verse

when you're drifting everything's
shifting, shifting all around
then you're lucky to hold on to
perhaps one thing you may have found


          refr. 1 + 2

Look at the birds (Lady Love)

With your star of David
nailed to your colourful door
and your grand piano
out of tune and out of score
      but look at the birds around you
      I don't count the stars in the sky
with your rainbow halo
naked in your knee-high boots
walking through a burning lake
hoping that you'll find your roots
     but look etc.

             finger-licking good
             you must be Lady Love
             doing what you should !

With your Egyptian death-mask
watching the wall-to-wall
your hungry killer snake
and the stink down in the hall
       but look etc.
with your back against the tree
ruling in winter and summer
you say the sun is a labyrinth
I say it's your cloud-runner


with your purple telephone
and your dancing courses
your rabbit kingdom and
your seven white horses
       but look etc.
with the sun and moon to guide you
climbing up the marble stairs
past the fountain with the children
to your magic castle fair
       but look etc.


1975. (An)



He don't belong here

Daddy took death's road
so I hardly knew him
when in my dreams he beckons
I half-heartedly shoo him
away 'cause he don't belong
in the nightmare present
I'm alive, he isn't
I do my homework and he doesn't

       he don't belong here (2x)
       and it's all too clear
       that he ain't worth the tears
       he don't belong here (2x)

mother wasn't lucky
so insurance agents
brokers, diffident painters
came and went like an endless pageant
and when the game got rough
there was a showdown in the bedroom
the cups on the table sang
the dirges of the day of doom

       (and they went:)

computer lights flash
winking from way beyond
where it chose my perfect lover
I'm a virgin and she's blond
while I sleep on the table
she haunts the wicked wood
I am in the furnace
and she's singing like I knew she would

     (she goes:)


Tit for tat

I wanna be your fire baby
I don't wanna be your flame
I wanna be your window baby
I don't wanna be your house
I wanna play your organ baby
I don't wanna play your game
I'll meet you on the deck at midnight
I'll be quiet as a mouse

         I'm a fool but no clown
         when I smile I also frown
                  tit for that they call it
                  kings for kings they say
                  queens for queens today

the captain's wife took me out dancing
but boy we had to sneak away
we rowed our boat into the harbour
trying not to make a sound
the stars lit up the frozen sky and
we both longed for the warmer days
but soon the captain overtook us
at dawn her dead remains were found

          I can run but not fly
          when I laugh I also cry

I mourned my loss upon the shoreline
singing you were sweet and kind
you were too good a dancer babe
and not meant for an early grave
but then the captain broke in saying
she was nothing of the kind
so I beat him till he looked like something
no doctor would attempt to save

           he was a fool and a clown
           he could swim but then he drowned



Well I saw the new president
come on just like a commercial
but his jingle didn't stick
he needs some more rehearsals

and the news is all disaster
but like you I cannot care
tho' I woke up drenched in sweat
it was just my private nightmare

        oh and is that real ?
        oh can you still feel
        some kind of ideal
        where they're telling you sweety
        just what is real
        what is real
        what is real

now my baby says she's leaving
but it's all disco lyrics
I wonder has she got that too
that feeling nothing sticks

everything's in sharp perspective
when I get out of that train
feelings, colours, loud and clear
I won't pass this way again


The Raven

Love-lane, what a street !
when you're out of bricks to build your place
there's no one there to meet
but all too many to chase

looking for our song
that tho' it's never been performed
was at our fingertips
kepts us from all harm and warm

      its fragrance
      like a net in the night
      the orchard
      when it blossoms is white
      but your hair
      is like a raven in flight

               you say that time ain't no bother
               and you wanna know
               what's important to me
               well it's funny when they ask you
               such a thing in such a way
               there ain't nothing much you can say
               hey !
               you baby, only you today !
               you ! don't look at me that way !

love-lane what a street !
go on out and stake your claim
I felt so incomplete
all weak and knackered and maimed

the raven 's black as death
flies alone without a break
she paints my every dream
I've taken all that I can take



Innocence is a losers' game

You won the big prize, all that money
you felt on top but what's with honey ?
yes she sure did steal you blind
and the kids were most unkind
they took it all, even the house
wanted you quiet as a mouse
and your mistress took you in
hoping that again you'd win

      Innocence is allright
      but it's just a losers' game
      like some crazy cry for help
      it's nobody's real name
      innocence is a losers' game

Now baby sure was good to you
did everything you told her to
frilly frilly on the run
and your best friend was such fun
now they've gone away together
first you thought you'better let her
but now clouds by the airplane's wing
look more enduring than that fling



Daily fare

I'm alone
and you're alone
we've got no home
'xcept some old bones
to break our teeth on
just something in the way
to hurt the feet on
but it don't matter
'cause so many care
when your dreams are shattered
it's their daily fare

         they take care of themselves
         your wishes of a kind
         the money rolls and the money flows
         and the grave-diggers, yeah the
         grave-diggers don't mind

you don't know
where I should go
you've got no clue
except what's true
but that's just guesswork
just something in our way
makes it all guesswork
'cause it don't matter
that so many care
'bout your dreams that 've shattered
it's just daily fare


fun and games
passion in flames
but what it means
ain't what it seems
you break your teeth on
something in your way
you hurt your feet on
and does it matter
when people care
your dreams that've shattered
they're just daily fare



vrijdag 24 december 2010

Can't give away a broken heart

So it's finally curtains
the heart has been bled dry
now the chips are down
tho' you still don't know why
someone 'd be that callous
to only take and never give
to bleed you like some sadist surgeon
that won't see the patient live

        and you can't give away a broken heart
        once you've lost your taste
        it's so hard to make a new start
        once your feeling's laid to waste
        no you can't give away a broken heart

so go and dance with the dead on
Easter Sunday, go to the
wake on X-mas eve love
you went, so you to do the
suicide shuffle in the dark
where they've given up on things
where the drone cuts to the bone
and it's just users on the wing


so I went to dig the hard ground
coming up with only ice
I looked it over in my hand
I didn't cry, I just got wise
like a squatter on the run
or a sad child prostitute
get mean and play your cards right
and grope for some substitute



Winds of chaos

Winds of chaos keep me
keep me on the run
save me from the safety
of the god-sent gun

winds of chaos never
never let me rest
save me from the sadness
of the pointless quest

watching from your tower
the cruelty outside
watchwords to contain all
the wilderness inside

     well I wish your dad could see us
     and my mom could too
     when our love holds sway and
     I'm right on top of you
     we know it's only us then
     that we can hold on to
     hold on we do for dear life
     but even that 's not always true
               winds of chaos
               carry me
               on a ride where
               no one's free

buy a barricade now
from a master-thief
swear you'll stick it out and
bear with his beliefs

join the secret circle
read the Holy Times
you may not like the facts but
we'll print the news in rhyme

          refr. 1
                 winds of chaos
                 carry you
                 on a road where
                 nothing's true

         winds of chaos carry me
         winds of chaos carry you
         winds of chaos carry me
         winds of chaos carry us all



Something to give

She's a vamp, she's a tramp
she's a careless lady
like a swamp, like a lamp
light up, liquid lady

like a mist, what a twist
I can feel the shivers
she is kissed, she is bliss
and I am delivered

       come to my doorstep
       you know where I live
       my my well met
       you've got something to give

she's afloat, like a boat
a quicksilver lady
like a coat, like a moat
love me, liquid lady

she's my all, she's my life
and she's pulled the lever
be my wife, I know why
you've got me with this fever

       come to your window
       you know where I'll be
       keep your light low
       you've got something for me

1976. Denise

donderdag 23 december 2010

You are all self-defense

When the sun is out and shining             
your meanings are less dense                 
but when the moon is nearly full            
you are all self-defence
you strive to keep your dignity 
while I try to enhance it                    
you seem to think the best way is      
to never ever even chance it
well I like living on the edge 
while you walk the straight and narrow 
you toe the line you drew yourself
in hope to stave off sorrow

you say you feel safe and secure
and I can well believe it
even if your world proved false
you'd still try to retrieve it

sometimes I'm weak with longing but
you're always strong with will
you say you've got a hunch I'm cruel
and yes, if I had to, I'd kill
repeat first verse


dinsdag 21 december 2010

Living without you

He sees bridges a-burning
he feels the tables are turning
"a boy" that's what they named him
they meant he still could be changing
retreat into the rigid
make do and be a midget
rock beach breaking the sea's tide
you pay tho' it's a free ride

       procrastinating and contemplating
       living without you
       you rainbow-trout you
       living without you
       it's about time too

lose friends while you're just joking
the room full of their smoking
"a man" one of the many
a choice, but is there any ?
your dreams cannot be trusted
love, hope, have all been busted
farewell to what was your tribe
pay dues or just a big bribe



Water song

I met the angel of the mind
and she taught me where to go
I met the angel of the body
and through her I came to know

that my mind is like an ocean
its waves to be distilled
into the lovers' potion
with which the body's filled

       tear me down now, turn me up
       and don't you take too long
       tear me down now, turn me up
       for the water song
       for the water song

I saw the flower of the spirit
and the blossom of my blood
that sways upon its slender stalk
and grows out of the mud

the spirit's like a forest
its leaves wend with the wind
that turns into a torrent
a flood where life begins



(There was a) Little girl with a white umbrella

Little girl (3x)
with your white umbrella
little girl (3x)
with your white umbrella
dally in the field (2x)
the foxes on the run (2x)
won't track (3x)
the falling sun

on a white umbrella
on a white umbrella
warring with the wind
the hunter and his gun
won't miss
the falling sun

little holes
in a white umbrella
little holes in a white umbrella
quiet like a quilt
and silent like a nun
the falling sun

there was a little girl with a white umbrella (5x)


Child of wisdom

child of wisdom
child of grace
almond eyes
in a whitish face

you're the sunlight
you're the moonlight
the salty tears
in the sick man's eyes

you're like gunfire
yes you're the smile
around the lips
of soldiers as they die

          sit back and look at you
          sit back and look at you
          that's what I'll do
          that's what I'll do
          sit back and look at you

you're the window
by which I hide
and I can see
it's windy spring outside

you're elusive
or so I thought
oh yes you were
the windmill that I fought

I left my donkey
I left my horse
'cause you know I
don't have to ride no more


1975. Kyoto.

Paranoia promenade

Early morning phone-call
just before the bloody fall
is anybody listening in
to the cues you're missing
people looking at you funny
so the afternoon tho' sunny
has that certain feeling
that sinister meaning

        going down the penny arcade
        plainclothes standing in the shade
        going down the penny arcade
        for your paranoia promenade

rest easy boy, rest easy
why the hell you're feeling queasy ?
keep your hands from shaking
ain't no evil in the making
creepy voice in the receiver
the game's up you best believe it
something 's gone wrong
right away they'll be along



Nicotine fingers

Baby's smoking in the bathroom
baby lights up on the john
don't buy a pack, get me a carton
and don't walk love, better run

while I'm going at my homework
baby stops to take a toke
while I stare at tits and thighs
she just fills the room with smoke

        nicotine fingers
        give it to you straight
        nicotine fingers
        get to help themselves
        and baby I can't wait
        for nicotine fingers (2x)
        nicotine fingers help themselves
        and baby I can't wait

well there's all them stinking ashtrays
but she claims it's food and drink
she just puffs a mile a minute
and then says it helps her think

to her lung cancer is a fable
and bad breath is just a joke
she says that even if it's true
that's the way she wants to croak



No connection

They tell me 'bout the birds and the bees
and what the careless infant sees
when the trowel hits the brick
with its sunny morning's click
while the dreamer counts the stars
the soldier bares his scars
for his sins to be absolved
but I just can't get involved
I just can't get involved

       I ain't got no connection
       no feelings no connection
       and good old introspection
       pay no money so what's with honey (2x)
       pay no money so what's with honey now ?

the mountains grow the valleys dive
strict geometry of life
mini-skirted girls dance wild
spring and all the air is mild
the holocaust won't come this year
compound intrest on our fear
can your sins still be absolved ?
when I just don't feel involved ?
no I just don't feel involved.



Somebody died

Somebody went into a coma
so-called boyfriend, just back from the East
found it much to much to cope with
so to run out to a friend was the least
he thought he could do
they said "hide the syringes,
hide all the dope
'cause the Raven's beyond hope"

       So somebody died
       in the deep of night
       it must have been lonely 
       with heroin only
       and the old suitors cried
       when somebody died
       yes somebody died

And a friend he was outraged
wanted to fight back and say we will
call the cops and have it done with
they'd be the lesser of two evils
'cause what side are you on
when the price is that high
and the pusher's in town
with his deadly eiderdown ?


the congregation at the bar
the usual flotsam, the usual jetsam
kinda makes you wonder now
and ask yourself, is this what I am ?
is this what she's been ?
image on a shaky screen
flickering out so
even the angels haven't seen
the Raven in their dreams
the Raven in my dreams


ca. 1976. Dit is helaas een waar gebeurd verhaal. The Raven (Raaf) was heel mooi en ik erg op haar gesteld. Nu herinner ik me zelfs haar naam niet, verdomd. Uiteraard is ook het nummer The Raven aan haar gewijd.

Insecticide mama

Insecticide mama
vapona strip lady
a leg-shaving drama
looking like she's made it
into that shiny league
no longer besieged

vacuum-cleaner love
Hilton lobby sweetheart
all lady Macbeth dreamed of
a perfect fit for the part
waif of whitest linen
with little love of sin and

        it don't pay to be dirty
        it don't pay to be bold
        if you wanna be worthy
        of growing peacefully old

detergent dame living
that sad soapsud life
the impression she's giving
is of god's own little wife
that immaculate whore
on that mirror-like floor

shiny as the tabernacle
the holy ghost would break his nails
he'd slink off rather than tackle
her highgloss polished holy grail
oh she's rinsed, oh she's waxed
but she'll never be relaxed




The theatre is empty
but I am still on stage
my partner left me here
should I weep
or should I fly into a rage ?
I don't know

the face that came to meet me
in the halls of ecstasy
was fashioned like a diamond
a thousand rays
of love's wild mocking fantasy
turn me on

        baby you say you will
        ah but then I fear you won't
        baby you say you do
        ah but then I think you don't

you want things to be vague
and I like them to be clear
I still think it's a pity
that it died
still that's the message I hear
and it's gone

I went to see the snow
on the trees out in the park
yes, laughter and a snow-fight
but inside
there was no light, all was dark
yes it's over


1975. Tokyo (Barbara Rees)

Bedroom eyes

I saw a statue standing
it was talking to some wall
under the starry eyes
of the satellite skies
it was the spitting image
of the archer as he tries
to hit that William Tell pose
and the arrow goes, it goes

             into them bedroom eyes
             oh I'd apostatize
             all for them bedroom eyes (2x)

so I saw a statue standing
talking to some wall
so cold it looked like
the very picture of us all
so cold so cold
in a world that's grown old
so cold so cold
in a world that got sold

           unto them bedroom etc.

beyond the hill there's fighting
and my shares have just gone down
maybe I should be frightened
as I'm lying on the ground
so cold so cold
but I don't know if I care
I guess I've grown much too old
so I do nothing but stare

        into them etc.

I saw that highway sun rising
like a flag being hoisted
looks like my first erection
said the boss and here's what I said
if my time is your money
and my bread is your leasure
I'll be circling like a planet
high in an orb of pleasure

     all for them etc.


maandag 20 december 2010

When fame and fortune

When fame and fortune hit the downtown hall
when fame and fortune roll into our town
we're gonna jump and then we'll flock to the call
the congregation rolls into our town

the'yve got the women with the biggest tits
they've the women with the finest hips
they've got the women with that crazy touch
they've got the men, the men of love

you can do what's never been done
you can win what's never been won
you can go were no one has gone
when fame and fortune come to turn you on

throw out our earrings and give from the heart
throw out your jewels and give'em your gold
yes up till now we've all been playing strange parts
not only bodies but souls too can be sold
they're gonna take us in and make us all one
absolve our sins and send us up to the sun

the saviour in his shiny cadillac
transparent angels riding on his back
we'll have the law and music all at once
he's gonna break our bonds and make us all dance
the saviour smiles but beckons "not too much"
to his wild women with their crazy touch
when fame and fortune etc.


When I walk you home

You come in running naked and shouting
but something stops you dead in your tracks
so you put on your protective shield of
foreboding checking it for cracks
protective shield of foreboding
so she doesn't know whom she's holding
by the light of her own liquid face

        but I'm so proud
        when I walk you home
        enjoying both our bodies
        when I walk you home (3x)

I'm a child in  its cot and I'm sleeping
in an orchard in bloom on a hill
in the middle of the continent
with its heart just like a violin
but should someone trace
your dreams to their place
protective shield of foreboding
so you don't know whom you're holding
and her smile is a weird unsolved case


1976. Denise

The sentinel must die

The sentinel stands over you
he guards the desert shore
your wishing-well is full of gold
het watches it and keeps the score

there's always something going down
to keep him on his toes
heart of worry, heart of pain
heart so anxious, heart of woe

you dance around his questions
and taunt him with your tales
you stop him with your stories
your loving tips his scales

       the sentinel seems easy
       the sentinel is meek
       the sentinel's sad loving
       makes him look strong
       but oh he's weak
       the sentinel must die (3x)

the sentinel probes every path
he hopes to save his hide
he struggles with the watchwords
he'll try to stop the tide

I love you like I've never loved
he said as he bit her ear
but as he sings his final song
he's glad she does not hear

he's homeless without liberty
he's down upon his knees
he's broken and bewildered now
and all he says is "please"




Isn't it paranoia you mean
when you're mentioning your love
or maybe even something worse
god knows what you're thinking of

       oblivion on oblivion
       grey on grey
       resounding and resounding
       all the things you say
       oblivion on oblivion
       grey on grey
       who's to take me through
       another rainy day ?

isn't it some kind of hatred then
when you tell me what you feel
love when I see you nowadays
I don't know if you're for real




Your doors are safely locked
all inroads and escape-routes blocked
and when the walls start shaking
you find your heart is aching
for reasons you can't put your finger on
peace used to be here, now it's gone

it's raining cats and dogs
the city's drowning in the fog
inconspicuous he walks
into the bank, he doesn't talk
he leaves his deadly suitcase on the floor
his pamphlets, then slips out the door

        explosion right on time
        late road-blocks everywhere
        a phone-call claims the crime
        reporters stop and stare

                prime-time sensation
                in your living-room
                no more sedation
                in the scary gloom
                of your living-room

your lives were neatly planned
faith, birth, death, love, all stations manned
by common sense and hope in
your talent to keep coping
with chaos you can't put your finger on
suddenly it's there to drown the sun

     refr. 1 + 2


Raiders in the night

Defiant imitations
issued from high barstools
make for hesitation
in the hearts of fools
raiders in the night
frolicking in  fright
of definite decisions
of heartfelt incisions

      clear to the bone
      clean and bright
      love is no loan
      for raiders in the night
      trying to get it right

flagrantly fooling around
with yearnings and feelings
out of the lost and found
the squalid squeeling
of raiders in the night
hiding from the light
yet hoping against all hope
they can still learn to cope



Seen it all

The dasboard turned into a movie
its images went through me
and that was the end of me
you've got to let me be
for an eternity

      stuck like a brick
      in a dirty prison-wall
      poor old me, poor old you
      we've seen it, we've seen it
      we've seen it all.

Now you've become a cardboard figure
and my finger's on the trigger
and that's the end of you
I'm sure you know that's true
the stars have said it too



All must fall

Driving drunk and dazed and dreaming
lost in phantoms of my fantasy
where I build you and rebuild you
into the myth that only I can see

and the sweet smell of the grass
makes me think and think of all that was
all your beauty and your glory
as you played and played your story

        all must fall, it's true
        but when the call, for you
        then finally came
        it was a crying shame
        that all must fall

after all this deadened time
under the skies like frozen seas
I still don't really know what's mine
when I look at the grass and the trees


                       clocks and watches measure time
                       but it don't matter, it ain't mine
                       or yours now, nothing rhymes


zaterdag 18 december 2010

Dead to your ways

I look at what my life is now
grey surfaces that I can't pierce
I used to drill them full of holes
and my joy and pain were fierce
now I can't come up for air
without being pushed and shoved
into self-pity, self-defense
way beyond the bounds of love
         you ask me how I feel today
         and all I've got to say
         is that I'm dead to your ways

I think of how things used to be
the past seems always painted bright
in colours dancing tho' they fit
into a picture full of light
I cannot say if that's exact
I cannot gauge the truths of yore
all seems to slip right from my hands
while I feel there should be more


             I remember drowning in your eyes
             deep and starry like the Afghan skies
             but can't recall your face exactly
             only the way you matter-of-factly
             told me to go while I cried NO


Baghwan Baby

you've got them whirlpool eyes
and I'm sinking like a stone
drifting down below
into that narrow margin far from home
you've got them tell-tale eyes
and I'm flowing with tide
drifting way beyond
upon that slipstream darkness on the side

         outside the ken
         of knowledge and
         I'm your plaything and your toy
         I'm a hopeful boy
         with a Baghwan baby
         a bloodred lady
         a Baghwan baby
         a Baghwan baby yeah

you're all dressed up in bloodred
well are you a follower ?
and did you listen
to the preaching as it got hollower
as the money rolled in ?
So now your master is leaving
for them richer shores
and the Indian poor sure won't be grieving.


you and your lighthouse eyes
like twin TV's in the dark
thunderclap silence
over endless landscapes in my heart
so it's off the deep end and
why don't you fall with me
yes so romantic
but with a wink so nobody gets hurt


1981. (Bieke)

Journey to love

Sister of a mountain
of a wild and roaring sea
sister of the rolling plain
sister right as rain

sister of imagination
of complete reality
sister of delicious incest
how you and I were blessed

          on that journey into love
          more than sex we're thinking of
          our heads swimming in the silence
          hearts entwined in the ringing silence
          and we will be standing there
          like statues in the centuries
          yes we will be standing there
          Angie and me (3x)
          on a journey to love
          our journey into love

sister I cannot be gone
'cause what is distance to us now ?
sister look at me in tears
oh god it took so many years

sister amidst all that hype
and the jealous gossip too
sister you can't be too strong
but then you can do no wrong


1979. Eskdalemuir (Schotland). Angie.

White room

Sweet Rosy said she'd take me away
to a place where I'd like to stay
we went up to the house and stood in the hall
and I wasn't thinking at all

Upstairs and there's not a soul to be seen
the sun makes my shadow a scream
I'm left behind in a spacious white room
all ready and right for the broom

         I can look outside see the girls as they walk
         I watch their lips move as they talk
         they left me some paints and I'm drawing a lot
         just don't know if I'm alright or not

one woman came and she lay on my bed
a strange smile but nothing was said
I remember her dress, an elegant white
it's all round me in dreams every night

she went as she came all silent and sad
all alone and I'm feeling so bad
don't know if I miss her it's so hard to tell
when the water's all drained from your well


1973. Door Norbert Detaeye getoonzet voor zijn CD Still a child uit 2001

Still a child

I'm still a child
and my mind runs wild
I can still give away things for free
and when they say maturity
it's just another myth to me
no reality no reality
I'm still a child
and my heart is mild

          I ain't talking 'bout no world of wonder
          I ain't saying that I won't go under
          as a child
          (with my heart so mild)

I'm still a boy
I can still take joy
in spying castles in the clouds
in greeting friends with silly shouts
not knowing what life's all about
but I don't want out no I don't want out  
I'm still a boy

             I ain't talking 'bout no world of wonder
             I ain't saying that I won't go under
             as a boy
             (with my heart so coy)

1981. Titelsong van Norbert Detaeye's CD uit 2001

vrijdag 17 december 2010


Squeeze my hand and hold it
close to the lips of you
and let me lick your nipples
'cause the passion is so true
and don't tell me I'm a child now
'cause I know you are one, I know you are one too

           on the verge with that urge (2x)
           I was a tourist in your bedroom
           sampling sights and heaving sighs
           take my honey for a heirloom
           just like balm upon your thighs

you say some other place could do
another time would be much better
your husband's coming over soon
you said he told you in a letter
wait two minutes then move over
I said 'cause I wanted us to be together


Up in the air I think of you
of how we met and yet did not
of how I followed you upstairs
and what a sexy view I got
attraction moving like a swing now
languidly, daintily and hot


1981. Kyoto. (Cindy)

Book of lies

I went to the ends of the earth
to find out what your loving was worth
now I'll never be the same
my heart, my will, my soul's gone lame
So I flew into Taipeh
but I was feeling so far away
I didn't deign to even look
seeing I was in another book

         in the book of lies
         of love betrayed
         in the book of ice
         of all feeling stayed
         so goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
         bye now, bye now, bye now

It wasn't Gideon's bible no
it was a lot more ribald so
I drank another beer and
I shrugged and I sighed and I leered
my jaws were clamped tight
so my eyes never cried
but my heart was bleeding
as I doggedly kept reading



He's dead, he's safe

He loved me up, he loved me down
he bruised my lips, he bit my breast
we moaned and groaned and cursed the dawn
we prayed we'd never have to rest

           he took my life into his grave
           driving right into that tree
           maybe his soul was finally saved
           wish I could say the same for me

I went to church and to the graveyard
and then came home to soothe kids
I couldn't handle them, I hated
the sight of them 'cause they were his


my mind just snapped, the funny farm
was where they took me for some peace
I moan and groan and curse the dawn
I always had my life on lease

                   he's dead, he's dead
                   the life we've led
                   means nothing
                   now he's rotting in his grave
                   I am lost and he is safe

1979. De bittere coda heb ik letterlijk uit de mond van een vriendin gehoord


Ik verdwijn huilend
want ik houd je hand niet vast
niemand weet dat in mijn hoofd
haast niets of niemand is
elkeen denkt nog dat ik hier sta
reeds lang verdween ik in je hand.

Veel ruiters op bruine paarden
rijden door mijn stenen straat
ze zingen niet en zeggen niets
Japanse kerselaars staan boven
al die trotse stille ruiters.



Haiku voor een vrouw

Ik ga gebogen
binnen de trage rivier
van je eerste lach.

Haiku bij het water

Koude december
maar de lotus staat in bloei
hoe wonderlijk toch.

Haiku in de tempel

Kille herfstnacht
en kaarsen op het altaar
ik slaap bij het schrijn.

Haiku in de stad

op Japans gedicht mislukt
zeventien doden.


(les justes)

Op een heuvel sta ik met iemand
Europa ligt zo ver, dit is Europa
de zachte bergen zijn violen
en de stromen ademen
er is een weide met een rots
lange lijnen op het land.
Iemand spreekt tot mij in mij
en ik antwoord met een glimlach.
Nergens zie ik nog een vlinder
en ik schiet de vogels niet meer neer
de lucht draait plechtig om me heen
en overal zijn wolken.

Iemand neemt mijn hand
en spreekt zachtjes
alsof ik in een kinderwagen lig.
Langs een boomgaard zonder bloesems.


naamloos gedicht (jeugdwerk)

De obelisk van de zon
en de pyramide van de maan
zetten de hemelen af
de wereldhanden zijn vol druppels
en hoog de toppen van de bomen.
In de wolken van de wind zijn vogels
die geen ogen hebben maar stenen
in de wolken van de wind zijn bloesems
die onplooibaar en van staal zijn
in de wolken van de wind is een mens
die zijn schaduw ondervraagt.
In de tuinen van het land
leven grote monsters
die niet spreken met elkaar.
En als de wereld smelt
zal de zon alleen zijn met de maan
ook zij zullen niet spreken
maar woordeloos begrijpen.
In de wolken van de wind leeft een verhaal
dat steeds zichzelf vertelt.


Gedichten bij tekeningen van Frank De Roover

Als de mensen van de sneeuwcirkel
en het volk van de regenboog
slapen, willoos zijn en niet kijken
maakt de maan zijn zelfportret
en schildert zichzelf
als een elf van gevleugelde bloemen.

Waar ik stengel
waar ik bloem
vertrekt de zon van mij
komt uit mij de droom
en de omgeving
die zichzelf bekijkt

Op mijn verdwijnend paard
zit kalm een mens
die zich naar mij noemt
en gedraagt.
Ik ben vergeten hoe
maar ik verliet hem
terwille van een wolk
die de lucht wel zo goed kende
dat zij vrienden werden.

Ben jij uit mijn hoofd gegroeid
of kwam ik uit jouw voet ?
wie van ons staat op de grond
of zijn we wortel en plant ?
en niemand ziet wie wat is.
(alleen jouw onverbiddelijk lijf
  weet hoe wij zo werden)

De luciferdoos van de hemel
heeft al mijn kinderen opgeslokt
pas veel later zijn ze gevallen
om in de rivier van de nacht te zijn.
In de ochtend vond ik hen dood.


Naar Tu Fu

Voorbij het paleis
groeien klein de bloemen
de vogels kijken niet
een ster beweegt
de maan staat op
en ik hoor een mens.
Een bel beweegt zachtjes
en hoelang nog duurt de nacht ?

De dood nadert
de tempels zijn al grijs
en in geen enkele droom
was ik reeds hier geweest.

Vriend van plaats en tijd
alles is nu anders hier
de vogels van tevoren nog
zijn verzwegen uit de lucht
er is een zee van land gegroeid
en het gras is veel te diep
(weet dat ik dikwijls aan je denk)

Er is een groene vlinder
die in een bloem verdrinkt
daar vlakbij staat een boom
die zich zijn bloesems plots herinnert.

Een bloem die 's nachts bevroor
negeert de glazen dageraad
een misdienaar die door het veld kruipt
ruikt aan de korenwortels
de allerlaatste sneeuw valt toch niet
en ik wacht, de aarde wacht
tot de zon een woord splijt.

1967. Tu Fu is een Chinese dichter uit de T'ang periode.


Halssnoeren in de straat
en de vragen
en antwoorden van zon
het meeuwenkleed.
Ik zeilde langs de bron
en alle vogels zeiden
dat dit de mooiste plek was
de enige, het midden.
Ik werd een vreemde psalm
met klank als continent
- alleen onderweg
langs oervermoedens in de landen.

Buiten de zeekant
ben ik verdronken.
Of zo dacht ik
maar fabeldieren redden mij
en ontredderd maar vreemd sterker
sloeg ik de hand weer aan de dag

1967. Jeugdwerk

Masters of compromise

The round table 's set again
heads of state and yes-men
you get the West man
we get the East love
you know we've got a beast of
some brandnew bomb
kills only people man
the factories will stand
the round table 's set again
heads of state and yes-men

          masters of compromise (2)
          oh I despise you
          wish we were through
          with all of you
          masters of compromise

his million's in the can
smooth slick heroin man
you want some horse man ?
you need some smack ?
you know like smack-dab
right in the middle of
some loser's vein
flash and then there's just the pain
his million's in the can
smooth slick heroin man


the state police in vans
with hand-grenades and guns
and their own idea of fun
"we'll break your strike man
  gonna get them reds"
ask the prime minister
"who's in control mister ?"
says he wants the best for us
bet your sweet ass he does
the state police in vans
with hand-grenades and guns
and their own idea of fun



Nice to be on top (So it goes)

Bread and butter journalist
puts nothing on the line
he's asking the prime minister
"sir, are we doing fine ?"
"yes we are, and you know we are
because look at all the cars
and the happy people driving them
the democratic fire in them"

          Nice to be on top
          cut out for the job
          nice to be on top
          so it goes
          so it goes

the astronauts were coming down
they were feeling out of sorts
"the moon's too cold, and Mars is red
space offers no resort,
but please don't quote me saying that
because you know where I'm at
frontpage news, space odyssey
the zealous zest a-driving me"


The football star, the cyclist kingpin
they stammer as they win
" I...I...I will lick'em all
before they do me in"
She struts her stuff in her G-string
and does those nasty things
 executives, class editors
will pay right thru' the nose for her



Touch I

I've been to the end of all bars
and saw the people as they are
in their designer clothes
signals from the book of Toth
in the magic mirror
I saw all their tremors

    I couldn't cope
    with the senseless hope
    in empty eyes
    their little lies
          and you don't know how much I
          wanted you to touch I

and the world's made up of sevens
vengeful steps of stairs to heaven
oh how will you manage
bending under your luggage
in the magic mirror
I saw all your tremors


                above the bar the photographs
                of tits and ass just make me laugh
                that sandy beach just out of reach
                sucking the blood like any leech


Wheels within wheels

Back then the medium was the message
and we frantically payed our passage
to break on through to the other side
as it turned out Jim Morrisson found
his other side on Pêre Lachaise
where famous corpses go to ground

        now everybody feels
        that there's wheels within wheels within wheels
        slowly grinding to a halt
        over life's San Andres fault

so we hitched halfway 'cross the world
or minds fermenting in a whirl
to end up somewhere on a beach
where in the sunshine in december
we set out trying to forget
what we were too young to remember


and now George Boy goes to Hollywood
by god, some bleeding other side, my foot !
coke and women in a video clip
don't know who's coming or who's going
and about what's aboard this ship
the suspicion's daily growing



Biggest of all birds

It's funny to see
that all we can be
every state of mind
is a trap of some kind
now that you're here
let's get some beer
and don't forget
the cigarettes

I asked you to dance
so I took a chance
every state of mind
is a door of some kind
now that we're here
all should be clear
now that we've met
let's go to bed

          your eyes still show the hurt
          as you slip under the wings
          of the biggest of all birds
          aaah ! now you don't need anything
                    now you don't want anything
          aaah ! now we've got everything

all body language
old feeling sandwich
every state of mind
is a trap of some kind
now that I'm here
beyond the fear
now that we've met
my heart's to let

oh you're so knowing
your wisdom showing
every state of mind
is a door of some kind
when I watch you move
can't stay aloof
now that we've met
all can be said



New dark age

And while we dance beneath the laser beams
the world gets on with its lopsided turning
we're phantoms in our mothers' dreams
and on the village green the books are burning

and as we dance to the new disco beat
the techno-state reverts to the old straight-jacket
and the sex-shows annex the heat
while down the block they run the cocaine racket

         crystal clear in halogen
         on the bloody stage
         all the women all the men
         in the new dark age
         all the pretty children
         of the new dark age

and while we frolic in the acid rain
we valiantly save some waste materials
vicariously sharing the pain
the ersatz trauma of the TV serials

the pub will have its token immigrant
being queried on outlandish cooking
so much we do not understand
the answers may be there, we're just not looking


                   if you want to go and write
                   make sure you've got somewhere to hide
                   because next door they're learning
                   all about book-burning
                   stomachs turning with rage
                   in the new dark age

1989. Tekst n.a.v. fatwa tegen Salman Rushdie