zaterdag 22 januari 2011

Temple poetry

Abandon all verbosity
green plants and rocks
the sound of trickling water.
Bamboo lattices
and soft silk moss
the sound of trickling water.

(Daitokuji, North Kyoto)

Silence like the sea
silence like a rock
silence like moss and gravel
- the garden of Soami


The trees are very green indeed
and the moss is very soft
everything is in place here
it's light, and deep and balanced.
Now if only the fluttering thoughts
would gently slip out of my mind
like slow leaves in autumn
or lush ripe fruit that falls
to be free of their dry humming
peace - wholeness - void.

Koke-dera (moss-temple, Saiho-ji)

Water in my eyes
and I can think of nothing
- oh this happiness.

(Deer park, Nara)

Bright green in the rain
in silent contemplation
- the praying mantis.

March-June 1975, Kyoto, Nara

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