donderdag 20 januari 2011

Days of autumn

I wake up every morning
with a curse upon my lips
I tried to walk my own road
but I fell and broke my ribs
       I look to see the pale light
       say oh god another day
       no work to do and I can
       neither stay nor go away
I watch the grave-yard with its
tombstones and its trees all bare
if anything should happen
it is bound to come from there
        the living all look dead
        so it's the dead that needs must live
        we've got great trouble coming
        and there's no one to forgive

              no smiles for the sad clown
              but he gets his share of frowns

                     he may fly into the sunset
                     try to climb its copper horse
                     but the house
                     of the lords
                     is locked

I really tried to make it
but it seems it was too hard
'cause sadness came and once more
it just took me off my guard
         just moving in a circle
         no one, nothing draws you out
         'till there's no choice but dying
         with a whimper or a shout

                  no smiles etc.


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